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stateofSTANCE wants to Thank You!
Florida, stand up and take a bow!!! With only 2 months lead time, we pulled together and showed that the East Coast can represent!
I want to personally thank everyone that came to the event and made it amazing. It hasn’t been 48hours and I see that coverage is already viral on the interwebz. Stay tuned as SoS will be posting up our event coverage in the next few days.
Big up to our Staff: Danny, Fafa, Serg, Johnny, Gabe, Sam, Luis, and Shaun for waking up hella early and busting their asses all day in the blazing sun.
Special thanks to our models: Lebbet, Stephanie, and Pon for looking sexy all day and helping out with the SoS booth.
A huge thanks to our sponsors: jdmXmindz, Meguiar’s, Simply Clean, HRV, WheelsNext, Velocity Shop, Flat6, Remix, WeakStyles, Fitment Warehouse, Miami Auto Lights, HIN/Nopi, Scion, RedBull, & Sal’s Italian Restaurant. It was because of their support that we were able to make this a free event.
Congratulations: To John Deip and his sik IS for being selected the Staff Pick. To the Stanced40 for representing what the movement is all about. To those that recevied an stance APPROVED decal, we gave out 35!
There were just about 500 cars in attendance, an unbelievable turnout. Even now I’m still in shock.
Be on the look out for our next meet, it will be bigger and by far better. I appreciate all those that stuck it out and sacrificed parking in the reserve lot just to still show their love for the movement. As with anything, we used this 1st event as a learning experience. The next meet will be at a 500+ capacity accommodating venue and all asphalt.
If you got one of the 150 SoS decals, rock it proudly as it is a set of 150 specialy made for this event. Our next run of limited edition stickers will be out before the end of the month.
If you’re looking to get a stance APPROVED sticker… well there are only 2 ways of getting those. 1. We feature your car on the site. or 2. We see your car at any event that SoS is at and your car meets the standards.
It’s clear to see the stateofSTANCE is here to stay!
Keep your stance low and wide.
We’ll be seeing you at the next one!

Couldn’t have said it better myself Leo. When we met up at the ale house only a couple months ago, we never could have imagined the turn out our event had. This not only gave us plenty of confidence in the cars and drivers from Florida, but also the desire to want to keep this up. Working with the SOS team has been nothing but a pleasure. I look forward to our next event!!!!
Event was awesome guys. I can’t wait for the next one. You guys really stepped up to the plate for us east coast guys to show the movement down here in Florida. Woo I got one of those approved stickers lol. Next meet I will come hard to get in those 40 spots, Saw plenty of inspiration at the meet for my whip. See you guys at the next one.
Yea the event was great, probably the best show I have been to in the last two years.
Leo, thanks again!
Like i have told others… it is amazing that someone who started with a blog was able to blow up in less than a year. I have been in talks with people to get an event together.. but i guess i didnt know the right people.
Again, if you need anything, Anything.. just drop me an email
Looking forward to second annual, third annual, and more!
Well what can I say. If there’s one person who can get people together it’s Leo.
I think Florida needed this badly. The constant cookie cutter meets which your typical stock rides in a parking lot where just giving Florida a bad name. I’m glad you stepped up and made this happen.
The days of having half ass’d, unpainted and unoriginal cars at a car show are over, well hopefully. Hit me up Leo when you want to come up to west palm and see the family.
Best meet I’ve been to ever! Brought back my love of cars! Can’t wait to cover more events!
P.S. If I would have known you were going to use that pic I would have sent you a full res! lol
Easily the best show ive been to by far. I cant wait for the next one and would be glad to help with the setup if any help is needed next time.
Thanks Leo for this awesome event! Thanks to the staff and anyone that was involved in the decision to choose my car as the Staff Pick. Big ups to my sponsors, Clark @ VIP AutoSalon, Paul @ PPE Engineering and all of my other sponsors! Big ups to Kam and Javed of Solo! Peace outsideeeee!!! 🙂
I just want to add to Leo’s post and say thanks again to all the cars for coming out and making the show what it was. We had a great staff that held it down. But in the end it really comes down to you guys…the cars that showed and represented hard for Florida.
Thanks again and I hope to see all of you guys again at the next event.
Leo ,
Just wanted to say you guys put together an excellent event. Team Solo will def be at all your events reppin rain or shine. Please let us know if there is anything we can help promote we would be more than willing to do so. Im sure john has told you everything. Hope to talk to you soon.
Take care and hope to see you at a event close by.
if you can shoot me or Leo an email so we can set up a Show Case for your car on the site so people can really see what an amazing ride you showed up in.
My Email is Sergeramirez69@hotmail.com.
I’m ecstatic at the way this took off! We started up a Facebook for SoS aswell, check it out, just type in State of Stance in any search bar and join the madness over there as well!
we had a good time and will be there with a larger presence next event, thanks Leo.
we had a good time and will be there with a larger presence next event, thanks Leo.
show was great look forward to the next one