Monday Morning Wood
Photos by: Hector Chacon
Words by: Leo Diaz
Car owner: John Power
As I sit here looking at this feature, I’m cursing the Florida weather that didn’t allow me to publish this until now, this late in the afternoon. This was supposed to be a “morning wood” feature.. Oh well, ish happens and it happened this morning. But not even the worst weather was going to stop me from bringing all of you this eyegasmic S2000, creatively shot by our good friend Hector Chacon.
Hector was kind enough to give us two sets, I was planning on releasing the sets separately, but since I delayed enough, I thought it would be nice to just post them both. I know, I rock… lol.
A little about John’s AP2; the car is sik… enough said. Having owned 2 S2000s and being part of the S2 community for over 10years, I am a bit bias when I see an S2000. But you have to admit that this build is what the fitment game is all about.
The suspension is drastically changed by BC +N and an eye candy set of 18×10 +25 XXR 521s. XXRs you say? Yes, f@#ken XXRs and it looks dope! When done right, replica wheels have no effect on the car’s stance, only the image it portrays to individual crowds. And in no way, does it take away from this car’s overall look or fitment. Well done John!

Let me just say amazing car. Too bad the hectic and erratic writing of Leo Diaz dizzies me to the point I will never return to this website. Pointers: Use grammar check, use spell check, stay on topic.
sick pictures