VIP Royalty
This entire royal wedding buzz has me going crazy. Royalty this, royalty that, but what is royalty if you are not rolling around in true VIP fashion?
This stunning build by Nax Whitmore is the answer. This is VIP! This is royalty! This is how I’d roll if the world was looking at me.
We arrived at the shoot and set up, then Nax told me he was going to air down the car. I was like what? I though he was already aired out… Then he procedded to say, “but just a little cause my lip touches the floor if I go all the way down…” SIK!
No stone has been unturned on this most gorgeous peice of art.
From 20×10 & 20×12.5 rollers (sporting a jaw dropping 0 offset), to the Q45 gatling low beams (fully functional including the self-leveling), to the M projector bean high beams, to the full Junction Produce cat back exhaust, to the rare backlit jdm plates, to the rocker panel puddle lights, to the Gandor air vents, and on and on and on.
I could spend all day listing the details and effort that Nax has put into this car. But I’d rather let the pictures speak for themselves.
Owner – Nax Whitmore
Producer – Leo Diaz
Production Equiptment – FAL Photo
Photogrpaher – Chirs Cruz

Big ups to Nax, your car is hottness