The New
Welcome to the new! Besides having a completely new graphic user interface, we have added and changed a lot of other features of the site. We will continue to add new things and reviving old options that might have been lost with the update.
Here’s what’s new:
- Layout
- Navigation
- Posts
As you have already noticed the site looks completely different. We feel it has more of an editorial look. When you hover over an article, it extends to show a little more of the post while shadowing other articles around it.
The sidebar contains most of the same elements as the previous layout, but we have added a tabbed navigation window to see the latest, most popular, or random articles.
Of to the top right you will see a floating search bar…..pretty straight forward, it searches the site.
The navigation menu has been updated so that you can easily browse specific sections. If the menu button has no drop down then you can just click on that button to take you to that category.
HOME – Takes you to the front page
NEWS – Will contain the latest news. Under Automotive you will find the auto news from all corners of the world. New car unveilings, racing highlights, anything car related. Urban Pulse will contain interesting articles that are not entirely related to cars. Anything from fashion/art shows to food truck meet ups.
EVENTS – Here you will find Upcoming Events where we will post flyers to events that we will be attending, promoting or holding and Event Coverage is of course where you can view a gallery and read a synopsis of the latest event we attended.
CARS -You can see our Feature cars in here. You will also find nice cars from all over that we would like to share with our readers. They will be splitting them into two categories: Track Stance and Tuck & Poke
INDUSTRY -Will be where we bring you reviews of car Parts, Gadgets and Car Culture
MODELS – We plan to do many more shoots of models as well as cars in 2011. Expect to see some sexy SoS girls in this section!
ABOUT US – To find out more about us we will be posting the History of StateofSTANCE, a Credit Roll that contains a snippet for each of the staff of State of Stance, a form to Contact Us by email, a brand new Advanced Search option to really narrow down your search results, and a Sitemap to help you find a certain section of the site that you might have trouble locating.
When you click into a post (such as this one) you will notice on the left hand side there are some new options.
Tags are a great way to find articles that have something in common with the one you are currently reading. Clicking on a tag will bring up a page with articles that have the same tag.
Right under that is Related Posts, which kind of like tags, will show articles that are related to the one you are currently reading.
Last but not least, Share This has some options for you to show your friends the interesting article you are reading via Twitter, FaceBook,, Digg, and Reddit. This is great for when your car is Featured, made it into Track Stance or Tuck & Poke sections, is in one of the event coverage galleries, or just to share for the heck of it.
This Is What’s Missing and Soon To Come
- The Store is currently down while we are switching to an easier to use system.
- We will soon have an option to Subscribe via email to StateofSTANCE and receive the latest articles in case you missed them, SoS updates and every now and then we will be sending out special offers to our email subscribers.
- Video section is down, but only shortly while I change it so that it conforms to the new layout. Should be back in a day or two.
- News will have a section for Tech & How-To articles
Final Thoughts
Thank you everyone for being patient while the site was down. Even though we ran into some kinks in the system and had to delay the launch a day, there was nothing but positive feed back from our fans on FaceBook and Twitter. We want to know what you think of the new Please leave us a comment letting us know what you like, if there’s something you don’t like, if there’s something you miss from the old site, and if there is anything you would like to see added.
Thanks again and I hope you enjoy the new site!

Cheo loves this 😀
Love it!!
i really love how the website has grown pretty amazing keep up the great job!