House of Stance; a message from me.
Change is a fact of life, sometimes you see it coming and sometimes it smacks you in the face like an airbag. We face it in our work lives, in our personal lives, in our friendships and relationships, and the game is no different.
It’s not stagnant, it continues to grow and change. As OG’s reinvent themselves and newcomers bring in new ideas, we as a car culture evolve. As an entity Styles Automotive Group has evolved as well, we evolve with the culture. From jdmStyles to Garage5 to State of Stance to Tuck&poke; all of our brands are here to put a distinct footprint in every aspect of this ever-changing automotive culture.
Styles Automotive Group has been around since 2001 and we have always expanded our brand to meet the interests of our culture. Our newest addition is our Stance House; State of Stance. Established in February of 2010, our goal was to embrace the stance culture, expand the scene and ignite the movement. Our recent success has prompted us to house our other brands under one web roof. has become that house, it is because of this diversity, this melting-pot of automotive culture that I say with confidence that we are very different from all other Stance Houses, as it has been expressed that there is an oversaturation popping up. Yet within State of Stance you’ll find so much more; you’ll find passion, innovation, comradery, unity and raw culture.
Keep tuning in, you’ll never know what to expect as we expand our staff, expand our brands and unite with other Media Houses to bring you culture, events and goods that highlight the essence of our automotive culture.
Keep low and wide,
Leo Diaz, President and Founder
Styles Automtive Group LLC
– jdmStyles
– Garage5
– Tuck&poke
– State of Stance

Well put Leo. Thanks again for letting me be apart of SOS! I can’t wait to see what 2011 has in store for the SOS family and friends!
Well done Leo! Were glad to be your friend. TunedTech 🙂