SoS Tour to SC2 – Miami Leg
The State of Stance Tour to Simply Clean 2, our first tour and it was a great success! WheelOutlet was our first meeting spot and they provided breakfast. Our next stop was Velocity Shop for some lunch. These were great opportunities to check out what each vendor had to offer. WheelOutlet has some great deals on wheels and tires. Velocity Shop wanted to show off their new location and is in the process of moving over from their previous shop (There were actually quite a few purchases and installs made while we were there!) We have great expectations for the new shop, looks like its going to be 10x better! The goodie bags were loaded with some great stuff as well. RedBull provided us with some energy shots to keep us alert and give us wings during the 2:30hour drive to Orlando. Mequair’s had some quick detail wipes so that when we arrived we can wipe the grime and dirt from the long venture off our cars. FLAT6 threw in some license plate frames to hold down our tags with style. Mobil1 gave us some fitted hats so that we can hold our hair down in style as well. For all you sticker fiends there were stickers from Simply Clean, VelocityShop, and a huge sticker from WheelOutlet! We can all thank GoPro for all of the video recorded during the tour, meet and pretty much anything recorded this whole weekend! And, last but not least, of course State of STANCE gave you a limited edition SoS to SC2 Tour T-Shirt and a guaranteed spot on the pavement at Simply Clean 2.
We can’t wait for our next tour and already have many planned for 2011, stay tuned!!
Here are the pictures from the tour – Miami Leg. Pictures from the other legs should be up shortly.

The white EG civic on wire wheels needs to be stolen or thrown in a lake, or both at the same time, LOL! The genesis coupe is official!