SOS v1.0 recap and pictures
Alright… I know its been a few weeks and I’m just now posting the State of Stance Meet & Great pics; things have been super hectic and SOS has had a lot of post event projects that we’ve been working on. Finally I’ve had a chance to take a breather and I’d like to post some pics.
It took a few days for all of what happened at Morikami to sink in. it was a truly overwhelming and surreal experience to see so many impressive cars come out. I kept asking myself… Was there really a 500+ car attendance? Were there really so many high caliber cars? Did everyone really get along so well? And each time the answer was the same, YES, YES, YES!!!
In looking back at the event, even now I see more things then I did yesterday. We broke down many walls and parked Euros, next to JDM builds, next to VIP builds, next to USDM builds and everyone loved it. I can’t thank everyone enough for their support of SOS and the scene. Its amazing to see Florida come together for the pure love of cars and stance!
Recapping the event; it is hard for me to even remember all the cars there, as we filled a 250 car lot by 10am and had to have Park Rangers open a secondary lot to get the other 250+ cars waiting outside parked. Sure, there were bone stock and hellasunk cars mixed in with the stanced cars. Sure, a lot of well stanced and clean cars were forced to park in the far reaches of the park on uneven terrain. Sure, many non-registered cars squeezed in reg’d car spaces. But in the end it’s the result of over capacity. When Broward Sheriff’s showed up we had no choice but to get everyone off the street and into the overflow regardless of registration or not.
But don’t fret, its these things that we look at when we start planning out next meet, and with each meet, things will only get bigger and better.
As far as the stateofSTANCE schedule, we will be collaborating with many of the industry’s heavy hitters to keep the scene in Florida alive. Look for news and updates on SOS collaborations with ThumbsUp in June, hellaflush and Remix in July, HIN and Nopi in Aug, Simply Clean 2 in Nov and then following up with SOS v2.0.
Also, be on the look out for SOS merchandise coming throughout the season in limited production runs. As news drops you’ll hear about it through the site, our facebook fan page and our twitter.
For now lets enjoy some great pics of this epic event thanks to Frank from FAL Photography.
